


Light-controlled Higgs modes found in superconductors; potential sensor, computing uses超导体中的光控希格斯模式;电位传感器,计算用途by Iowa State University爱荷华州立大学This illustration shows light at trillions of pulses per second (red flash) accessing and controlling Higgs modes (gold balls) in an iron- based superconductor. Even at different energy bands, the Higgs modes interact with each other (white smoke). Credit: Illustration courtesy of Jigang Wang.该图显示了以铁为基础的超导体中每秒访问和控制希格斯模式(金球)的每秒万亿个脉冲的光(红色闪光)。即使在不同的能带
2021-01-23 17:00:01
戴夫·拉姆西:你不能取得成功的10个原因(上)8.Don’t give your kids an allowance不要给孩子零用钱paulaphoto / ShutterstockRamsey says America doesn’t have a debt crisis; it has a parenting crisis. Financial literacy starts at home, and parents are setting their kids up for failure by giving them an “allowance.”拉姆齐说,美国没有债务危机;它有育儿危机。财务知识从家庭开始,父母通过给孩子“津贴”来使他们为失败做好准备。“I just don’t like the word. Allowance kind of sounds like, ‘You’re not good enough, so I have to do something for you.’ It kind of sounds like welfare. Instead, we called it ‘commission.’ You got paid for doing chores. Work? Get paid. Don’t work? Don’t get paid,” he told CNN in 2014.“我只是不喜欢这个词。津贴听起来像是“你不够好,所以我必须为你做些事情。”听起来听起来像是福利。相反,我们称其为“佣金”。您因做家务而得到报酬。工作?得到报酬。不工作吗不要得到报酬。”他在2014年告诉CNN。Make no mistake, Ramsey said, all the work he made his kids do was age- appropriate. “You’re 4 years old, we’re not going to send you off to the salt mines,” he joked.毫无疑问,拉姆齐说,他让孩子们做的所有工作都是适合年龄的。他开玩笑说:“您4岁,我们不会派您去盐矿。”9.Don’t try to get rich too quickly不要试图过快致富Constantin Stanciu / Shutterstock康斯坦丁·斯坦丘/ ShutterstockWhile it’s great to come into a sudden windfall, Ramsey says it’s better to build a fortune slowly and sustainably.拉姆齐(Ramsey)表示,虽然突如其来的意外之财真是太好了,但最好还是缓慢而可持续地积累财富。“Ninety percent of the [millionaires] I have met did it gradually,” Ramsey said on his radio show in 2017. “I’m not against getting money quickly ... but there are all kinds of problems that go with it when it comes quickly.... How often have we seen the young athlete get money and it destroys their life?”拉姆西在2017年的广播节目中说:“我遇到的[百万富翁]中有90%是逐步做到这一点的。我并不反对迅速赚钱...但是当它很快到来的时候会有各种各样的问题.... 。我们有多少次看到年轻的运动员得到钱却毁了他们的生活?”He said the Book of Proverbs sums it up: “Wealth grown hastily will dwindle.”他说箴言书对此进行了总结:“仓促增长的财富将会减少。”His advice isn’t just based on Biblical wisdom; Ramsey is also speaking from experience. He gained and lost a $4 million portfolio flipping houses before age 30.他的建议不仅仅基于圣经的智慧。拉姆齐也是根据经验发言。在30岁之前,他赚了400万美元的投资组合却失去了一笔。10.Don’t buy an engagement ring from a jewelry store不要从珠宝店购买订婚戒指Pressmaster / ShutterstockYou want to dazzle her, but you shouldn’t start your life together with a pile of debt.您想让她眼花一亮,但您不应该带着沉重的债务开始自己的生活。On the Bobby Bones radio show in 2019, Ramsey was asked about the popular rule of thumb that helps suitors decide how much to spend on an engagement ring.在2019年的Bobby Bones广播节目中,Ramsey被问到流行的经验法则,该法则可帮助求婚者确定订婚戒指上的花费。“The jewelry stores say three months’ [salary]. I say one month,” he quipped.“珠宝店说,三个月的薪水。我说一个月,”他打趣道。“Diamonds are like furniture. They’ve got a huge market, so where you buy it can be very, very important. If you can go to a diamond broker or someone who knows a little bit about diamonds, even a high-end pawn shop, you can get [rings] for a quarter on the dollar. And really good stones.”钻石就像家具。他们拥有巨大的市场,因此在哪里购买可能非常重要。如果您可以去钻石经纪人或对钻石了解一点的人,甚至是一家高档典当行,都可以用四分之一美元的价格买到[戒指]。和真正的好玉石点击:查看更多国外财经文章 查看更多双语译文文章 使用双语译文文档翻译功能免责声明:福昕翻译只充当翻译功能,此文内容及相关信息仅为传递更多信息之目的,仅代表作者个人观点,与本网站无关,版权归原始网站所有。仅供读者参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若需要浏览原文、下载参考文献等,请自行搜索文中提到的原文网站进行阅读。来源于:yah
2021-01-22 17:20:10
Sarah Cunnane莎拉·坎南(Sarah Cunnane)Fri, January 22, 2021, 7:20 AM2021年1月22日,星期五,上午7:20Dave Ramsey says here are 10 reasons you're not getting ahead.戴夫·拉姆西(Dave Ramsey)说,以下是你不能取得成功的10个原因Talk-radio host Dave Ramsey says you can solve your money troubles just as soon as you stop causing them.广播电台主持人戴夫·拉姆西(Dave Ramsey)说,只要您停止造成金钱上的麻烦,就可以解决。The money management guru has been doling out his signature blend of tough-love financial advice and Biblical wisdom since 1992. He learned it all the hard way: In his 20s, Ramsey built a million-dollar fortune flipping houses but lost it all when banks started calling in his debts. He had to buckle down to build back up from bankruptcy.自1992年以来,这名理财大师一直在奉献他的招牌招牌建议和圣经智慧的混合体。他从所有的艰难过程中学到了:20多岁的拉姆齐(Ramsey)建造了百万美元的翻新房屋,但是当银行倒闭时开始讨债。他不得不屈服于从破产中恢复过来。Now his radio show is syndicated on more than 600 stations, and he’s the author of several books. He teaches Americans how to save more money and avoid wallowing in debt — even during the current financial crisis.现在,他的广播节目已在600多个电视台上联合发布,并且他是几本书的作者。他教美国人如何省更多的钱,避免债务沉重,即使在当前的金融危机期间也是如此。Here are 10 reasons you're not getting ahead, according to Dave Ramsey.戴夫·拉姆西(Dave Ramsey)指出,以下是你不能取得成功的10个原因:1.Don’t try to tackle your biggest debts first不要尝试先解决最大的债务Elnur / ShutterstockWhen you’re deep in debt with multiple loans, freeing yourself can seem impossible. That’s why Ramsey suggests the “debt snowball method.”如果您背负着多笔贷款的沉重债务,那么解放自己似乎就不可能了。这就是拉姆齐提出“债务滚雪球方法”的原因。Rather than start with the loan with the highest interest rate, Ramsey says to pay off the loan with the lowest balance first, making only minimum payments on the rest. The idea is that each small victory inspires you to tackle bigger challenges.拉姆齐说,与其从利率最高的贷款开始,不如先还清余额最低的贷款,其余的只付最低的钱。这个想法是,每一次小小的胜利都会激发您应对更大的挑战。“It’s more about behavior change than numbers. Once your income is freed up, you can finally use it to make progress toward your savings goals,” Ramsey explains on his website.“更多的是行为改变,而不是数字。一旦您的收入被释放,您就可以最终使用它来实现您的储蓄目标。” Ramsey在他的网站上解释道。The snowball method is one of Ramsey's most common pieces of advice but it's also controversial. If your credit score is hurting, it may be better to use an online service that can help you determine which bills to pay off first to get your score back up.雪球法是Ramsey最常见的建议之一,但也引起争议。如果您的信用评分受到影响,最好使用在线方式这项服务来帮助您确定先付清哪些账单以恢复您的分数。2.Don’t try to justify frivolous purchases不要试图证明轻率的购买是合理的borevina / Shutterstock博尔维纳/ ShutterstockIf you want to become financially independent, you’ll have to figure out where you can cut corners. That means no more lattes or new jeans.如果您想在财务上变得独立,则必须找出可以偷工减料的地方。这意味着不再需要拿铁或新牛仔裤。“But I work hard all day. I deserve it. Oh, call the wahhmbulance — we all work,” Ramsey said on his radio show.“但是我整天努力工作。我应得的。噢,叫呼呼呼唤-我们都在努力,”拉姆齐在电台节目中说。With just a bit of budgeting, most people learn they’re not nearly as strapped as they think they are. Overspending is what’s keeping Americans in debt, Ramsey says, especially the attitude that you deserve what you want.仅需一点点预算,大多数人就会知道他们并没有像他们认为的那样受困。拉姆西说,超支是让美国人背负债务的原因,尤其是您应有的态度。Each shopping trip helps fritter away your future, especially if you're not using money-saving tools including a free browser add-on that helps you find better prices online.每次购物旅行都会帮助您摆脱将来的烦恼,尤其是如果您没有使用省钱的工具,包括免费的浏览器附加程序,可以帮助您在网上找到更优惠的价格。3.Don’t buy with a credit card what you can buy with cash不要用信用卡购买可以用现金购买的东西Jacob Lund / Shutterstock雅各布·隆德/ ShutterstockRamsey says you don’t need fancy software to help you save. Once you’ve worked out your monthly budget, withdraw that much cash from the bank and separate it into envelopes labeled gas, groceries, entertainment and whatever else you need.拉姆齐说,您不需要精美的软件即可帮助您节省开支。计算完每月预算后,请从银行提取大量现金,然后将其分成标有汽油,食品,娱乐和其他所需物品的信封。“Anytime you want to know how much money you have left to spend in your budget category, just take a peek in your envelope,” Ramsey said in a blog post.拉姆齐在博客中说:“任何时候,您都想知道预算中还有多少钱可以花,只看一眼就可以了。”It may sound old school, but the envelope system forces you to think about your expenses. It’s so easy to tap a credit card and forget about it, while cash makes you watch the money leave.听起来有些老套,但是信封系统迫使您考虑费用。轻按信用卡即可忘却它,这很容易,而现金使您可以看着钱离开。4.Don’t buy new不要买新的4 PM production / ShutterstockAssuming your car has four wheels, that’s good enough for Dave Ramsey. Buying the newest model of anything is a waste.假设您的汽车有四个车轮,对于戴夫·拉姆齐(Dave Ramsey)来说就足够了。购买任何事物的最新模型都是一种浪费。“If you’re tired of the kitchen countertops or want to upgrade to the latest and greatest cellphone, think again … Don’t steal from your needs to pay for your wants,” he writes on his blog.他在博客中写道:“如果您厌倦了厨房台面,或者想升级到最新,最好的手机,请三思……不要从需求中窃取资金来满足您的需求。”Ramsey says no one should buy a new car, unless they have a net worth in excess of $1 million. Cars lose a huge chunk of their value as soon as they’re driven off the lot.拉姆齐(Ramsey)说,除非他们的净资产超过100万美元。汽车一被抛弃,就会立即失去其价值的很大一部分。“The average millionaire drives a four-year-old car with 41,000 miles on it, and of course it’s paid for. They haven’t made a car payment in decades, which is why they’re millionaires,” he adds.“普通的百万富翁开着一辆有41,000英里行驶里程的四岁汽车,这当然是有偿的。他们几十年来没有付过车费,这就是为什么他们是百万富翁。”他补充道。5.Don’t spend when you can invest不要在可以投资的时候花钱 Andrii Yalanskyi / ShutterstockWhen Ramsey appeared on Larry King Live in 2015, the Dow was doing well and unemployment was steadily decreasing. King wanted to know: If the economy’s so great, why are Americans still suffocating in debt?当拉姆齐(Ramsey)在2015年出现在拉里·金(Larry King)Live上时,道指表现良好,失业率稳步下降。金想知道:如果经济如此好,为什么美国人仍然负债累累?Ramsey said wage stagnation has played a significant factor, but that’s no excuse to let consumers off the hook.拉姆西(Ramsey)表示,工资停滞是一个重要因素,但这并不是让消费者摆脱困境的借口。“Americans have a spending problem,” he told King.他对金说:“美国人有消费问题。”“In order to make money on your mutual fund and your 401(k), you have to put money into your 401(k). If you had been doing that [since the 2008 recession] ... your money would have tripled."“为了在共同基金和401(k)上赚钱,您必须将资金投入401(k)。如果您一直这样做(自2008年经济衰退以来)……您的钱将会增加两倍。”You don’t reap the benefits of a flourishing economy by consuming even more; it’s investing that brings wealth. Set aside 15% of your monthly income, build it up, and then put it into the market at regular intervals.您不会通过消费更多而获得繁荣的经济的好处;带来财富的投资。拨出您月收入的15%,积累起来,然后定期将其投入市场。If you're not confident in your ability to invest on your own, you might lean on a fidicuary financial planner to help you with your portfolio.如果您对自己的投资能力不自信,则可以依靠财务理财师来帮助您进行投资。6.Don’t go to a fancy college不要去上名牌大学ssguy / ShutterstockYou’re at the top of your class, so why wouldn’t you attend the best school?您是班上的佼佼者,那么为什么不上最好的学校?According to a 2018 university study, three quarters of all jobs that pay more than $35,000 are held by people with some form of higher education — but don’t set yourself up for failure by saddling yourself with debt.根据2018年的大学研究,所有工作中有四分之三的薪水超过35,000美元由受过某种形式高等教育的人持有,但不要因背负债务而使自己陷入失败。In 2020, the total amount of student debt in the United States is an estimate $1.56 trillion, and graduates are eager to find ways to deal with their unpaid loans.到2020年,美国学生债务总额为估计值总额为1.56万亿美元,毕业生渴望找到处理未偿还贷款的方法。Ramsey says the important thing is getting a decent education without taking out a loan — not the prestige of an Ivy League school.拉姆齐说,重要的是在不借贷的情况下获得体面的教育-而不是常春藤盟校的声望。“That’s the biggest lie we’ve ever believed: where you went to school has some correlation with your future success. It has almost zero,” he told CNBC last year.“这是我们有史以来最大的谎言:您上学的地方与您未来的成功有一定的联系。它几乎为零。”他去年告诉CNBC。7.Don’t splurge once you graduate毕业后不要挥霍mimagephotography / ShutterstockWhen you leave school and find your first real job, you might feel like you’ve got money to burn. Slow your roll.当您离开学校并找到第一份真正的工作时,您可能会觉得自己有钱在燃烧。放慢脚步。“I tell young people who call our radio show that you’re already used to living like a broke college kid, so keep living like one until you start making grown-up money,” Ramsey told CNBC in 2018.Ramsey在2018年对CNBC表示:“我告诉参加我们广播节目的年轻人,您已经习惯了像一个破烂的大学生那样生活,所以要保持像一个人那样生活,直到您开始赚大钱为止。”You don’t have to resort to eating instant noodles and drinking instant coffee; it’s more about the mentality of making every penny count.您不必求助于吃方便面和喝速溶咖啡;这更多地是要精打细算的心态。By limiting your expenses and buying necessities on the cheap, Ramsey said, “you can clean up any debt you might have, build up your emergency fund and start saving for the things you want and need down the road like a better car and a down payment on a house.”通过限制开支和廉价购买必需品,Ramsey说:“您可以清理可能欠下的债务,建立应急基金,并开始为将来想要和需要的东西储蓄,例如买一辆更好的汽车和一辆卡车。付款。”点击:查看剩下的 戴夫·拉姆西(Dave Ramsey)建议 查看更多双语译文文章 使用双语译文文档翻译功能免责声明:福昕翻译只充当翻译功能,此文内容及相关信息仅为传递更多信息之目的,仅代表作者个人观点,与本网站无关,版权归原始网站所有。仅供读者参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若需要浏览原文、下载参考文献等,请自行搜索文中提到的原文网站进行阅读。来源于:yah
2021-01-22 17:15:44
Intimate associations between SARS-CoV-2 and mitochondria suggest new angles of attackSARS-CoV-2与线粒体之间的密切联系表明新的攻击角度by John Hewitt , Phys.org约翰·休伊特(Phys.org) Colorized scanning electron micrograph of a dying cell (blue) heavily infected with SARS-CoV-2 (yellow), the virus that causes COVID-19. Credit: NIAID Integrated Research Facility, Fort Detrick, Maryland.严重感染SARS-CoV-2(黄色)的病毒(即将导致COVID-19的病毒)的垂死细胞(蓝色)的彩色扫描电子显微照片。图片提供:马里兰州Fort Detrick的NIAID综合研究设施。 As one wise pundit recently observed, "everybody is a virologist now." For the many people whose interest in biology formerly began and ended with "the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell," a second axiom can now be offered, namely, that the virus is the thief of power. In other words, what the mitochondria giveth, the virus taketh away.正如一位明智的专家最近观察到的那样,“现在每个人都是病毒学家。”对于许多以前对生物学感兴趣的人来说,其始于和结束于“线粒体是细胞的动力源”,现在可以提供第二个公理,即病毒是力量的窃贼。换句话说,只要线粒体产生,病毒就会带走。It is only through the massive oxidative capabilities of mitochondria that cells of the immune system can generate enough energy within a sufficiently short period of time to power an effective immune response. This response includes massive short- order construction projects where cascading waves of signaling factors, antibodies and the armies of clones that pump them out are hastily hardscrabbled together. It is this same power that a virus hijacks upon gaining entry to a cell to use for copying, transcribing and translating their genomes (not always in that specific order) to almost exponentially replicate and propel themselves through the body at large.只有通过线粒体的强大氧化能力,免疫系统的细胞才能在足够短的时间内产生足够的能量,以驱动有效的免疫反应。这种回应包括大规模的短期建设项目,其中匆匆忙忙地拼凑了一系列信号因子,抗体和将其泵出的克隆军队。病毒具有进入细胞的劫持能力,即用于复制,转录和翻译其基因组(并非总是按照特定顺序),从而几乎以指数方式复制并推动自身进入整个人体。It should therefore be no surprise that mitochondria and viruses are, at least in a molecular sense, quite well aware of each other. For example, it has been shown that the Orf9b accessory protein of SARS-CoV-2 interacts with the mitochondrial因此,线粒体和病毒至少在分子意义上彼此非常清楚也就不足为奇了。例如,已显示SARS-CoV-2的Orf9b辅助蛋白与线粒体相互作用transport protein TOM70, while Orf9c interacts with respiratory complex I. The Nonstructural protein 2 (NSP2) has been localized to nuclear and mitochondrial prohibitins which in turn form a 16-20 subunit ring at the inner membrane. Prohibits are also believed to act as viral receptors for the Chikungunya and Dengue 2 viruses.转运蛋白TOM70,而Orf9c与呼吸道复合体I相互作用。非结构蛋白2(NSP2)已定位于核和线粒体禁止素,后者在内膜上又形成16-20个亚基环。人们还认为,禁忌可以作为基孔肯雅热和登革热2病毒的病毒受体。In a paper recently published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, researchers from Texas Tech University explore the idea that some viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, could even replicate within mitochondria-derived structures. The authors say "mitochondria-derived" because in the absence of full dynamic imaging of double-membraned vesicle (DMV) formation within associated inclusions of mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), golgi and virus, the necessary actions that seemingly must occur for the virus to complete its life cycle can only be inferred.在最近发表在《衰老神经科学的前沿》杂志上的一篇论文中,得克萨斯理工大学的研究人员探索了这样一种想法,即包括SARS-CoV-2在内的某些病毒甚至可以在线粒体衍生的结构中复制。作者之所以说“源于线粒体”,是因为在线粒体,内质网(ER),高尔基体和病毒的相关夹杂物内没有完整的双膜囊泡(DMV)形成的完整动态成像的情况下,表面活性剂似乎必须发生病毒只能完成其生命周期的推断。Mitochondria closely associated with the ER where they are embraced by external rings of contractile dynamin-related peptide (DRP1) molecules which squeeze them down to diameters small enough for spontaneous fusion and budding to occur. The authors note that in the original SARS-CoV-1, ORF-9b enhances mitochondrial fusion and reduces the levels of Drp1. Budding off DMVs packed with their own mtDNA nucleoids, which then fuse with the plasma membrane of the cell, is important business for mitochondria. Exporting these highly immunogenic lures are one线粒体与内质网紧密相关,它们被可收缩的动力蛋白相关肽(DRP1)分子的外环所包围,从而将它们压缩到足够小的直径,以使其自发融合和发芽。作者注意到,在原始的SARS-CoV-1中,ORF-9b增强了线粒体融合并降低了Drp1的水平。堆积有自己的mtDNA核苷酸并随后与细胞质膜融合的DMV对线粒体而言是重要的业务。出口这些高度免疫原性的诱饵是其中之一way white blood cells sacrifice their own, in a sense, to ramp up immune responses. This all sounds a little familiar—during its lifecycle, SARS viruses must clothe their own genetic material in suitable double membrane form before beginning its transcellular journal.在某种意义上,白细胞会牺牲自己的细胞以增强免疫反应。这一切听起来有些耳熟,在其生命周期中,SARS病毒必须以合适的双膜形式覆盖自己的遗传物质,然后才能开始其跨细胞日记。In a another paper recently published in Scientific Reports, Pinchas Cohen and his team compared mitochondrial-COVID interactions to those of other viruses including respiratory syncytial virus, seasonal influenza A virus and human parainfluenza virus在最近发表在《科学报告》上的另一篇论文中,Pinchas Cohen和他的团队将线粒体与COVID的相互作用与其他病毒的相互作用进行了比较,包括呼吸道合胞病毒,季节性A型流感病毒和人副流感病毒3. One important finding was that in SARS-CoV-2, the levels of respiratory complex I components were reduced. Reduced complex I activity can also reduce levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The authors describe how host innate immunity is regulated by mitochondrial antiviral signaling proteins (MAVS). Under normal conditions, these MAVs interact with mitochondrial fusion factors like MFN2. However, after infection, mitochondria are tethered to the ER by MFN-2, whereupon the MAVS interacts with important kinases, namely, TANK binding kinase 1, IKKA, and IKKB.3.一个重要发现是,在SARS-CoV-2中,呼吸道复合物I组分的水平降低了。降低的复杂I活性也可以降低活性氧(ROS)的水平。作者介绍了线粒体抗病毒信号蛋白(MAVS)如何调节宿主固有免疫力。在正常情况下,这些MAV与线粒体融合因子(如MFN2)相互作用。但是,感染后,线粒体通过MFN-2束缚在ER上,于是MAVS与重要的激酶(TANK结合激酶1,IKKA和IKKB)相互作用。Other new research shows that SARS-CoV-2 virus may go even further, suggesting that in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with COVID-19, the virus deliberately manipulates the metabolic functions of mitochondria to their own advantage. In particular, the authors show increases in the mitokine FGF-21, and also increases in glycolysis. They propose that since FGF-21 correlates with disease severity, it could serve as a biomarker for COVID-19-related mitochondrial dysfunction. Since mitochondria play a key role in the initiation and development of其他新的研究表明,SARS-CoV-2病毒可能会进一步传播,这表明在COVID-19患者的外周血单核细胞中,该病毒故意操纵线粒体的代谢功能以发挥自身的优势。尤其是,作者显示出丝氨酸激酶FGF-21的增加,以及糖酵解的增加。他们认为,由于FGF-21与疾病的严重程度相关,因此它可以作为COVID-19相关线粒体功能障碍的生物标志物。由于线粒体在启动和发展中起着关键作用cytokine storm, specific mitochondrial pathways in immune cells might be targeted clinically.对于细胞因子风暴,免疫细胞中特定的线粒体途径可能是临床目标。To get some more perspective, it is worth mentioning a few other important details regarding the SARS-CoV-2 genome. At around 30 kilobases long, it is twice the size of mtDNA, and over three times as long as the HIV genome. HIV is also a positive sense RNA virus; however, it is double-stranded, and integrates within the host cell genome. Although SARS-CoV-2 normally completes its life cycle in the cytoplasm, some recent evidence suggests that it, too, can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into nuclear DNA. While mtDNA is normally entirely circulatized (save perhaps in some heart muscle cells), SARS-CoV-2 can sometimes be circularized into circRNAs of many different sizes, although the implications of this are unknown. Like host nuclear DNA and mtDNA, the SARS-CoV-2 genome also contains unique G- quadruplex formations. These often enigmatic structural formations at specific guanine repeats are also potential therapeutic targets.为了获得更多的观点,值得一提的是有关SARS-CoV-2基因组的其他一些重要细节。它长约30千个碱基,是mtDNA的两倍,是HIV基因组的三倍以上。艾滋病毒也是一种正向RNA病毒。然而,它是双链的,并整合在宿主细胞基因组内。尽管SARS-CoV-2通常在细胞质中完成其生命周期,但最近的一些证据表明,它也可以逆转录并整合到核DNA中。虽然通常将mtDNA完全环化(也许可以保存在某些心肌细胞中),但SARS-CoV-2有时可以环化为许多不同大小的circRNA,尽管其含义尚不清楚。像宿主核DNA和mtDNA一样,SARS-CoV-2基因组也包含独特的G-四链体形成。这些在特定鸟嘌呤重复序列上通常是难以理解的结构形成也是潜在的治疗靶标。No SARS cabinet of curiosities would be complete without some ode to the still largely inexplicable furin cleavage site (FCS). While a few recombination没有对仍然很大程度上无法解释的弗林蛋白酶切割位点(FCS)的某些颂歌,SARS的好奇心就不会完整。虽然几重组theories have been bantered about, the actual mechanism is still an open question. For inspiration to answer this vexing question, we offer the charming and now famous genetics how-to video from the Cambridge iGEM Institute.理论已经开玩笑了,实际的机制仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。为了回答这个棘手的问题,我们提供了来自剑桥iGEM研究所的迷人而又著名的遗传学入门视频。 点击:查看更多生物学文章 查看更多双语译文文章 使用双语译文文档翻译功能免责声明:福昕翻译只充当翻译功能,此文内容及相关信息仅为传递更多信息之目的,仅代表作者个人观点,与本网站无关,版权归原始网站所有。仅供读者参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若需要浏览原文、下载参考文献等,请自行搜索文中提到的原文网站进行阅读。 来源于:phys
2021-01-18 19:28:42
对Theia 456的检查发现其近500颗恒星同时诞生
Examination of Theia 456 finds its nearly 500 stars were born at same time对Theia 456的检查发现其近500颗恒星同时诞生 An artistic rendering of generic stellar streams in the Milky Way. Credit: NASA/JPL- Caltech/R. Hurt, SSC & Caltech银河中普通恒星流的艺术渲染。图片来源:NASA / JPL- Caltech / R。南南合作和加州理工学院 The Milky Way houses 8,292 recently discovered stellar streams—all named Theia. But Theia 456 is special.银河系拥有8,292个最近发现的恒星流-全部都命名为Theia。但是Theia 456是特别的。A stellar stream is a rare linear pattern—rather than a cluster—of stars. After combining multiple datasets captured by the Gaia space telescope, a team of astrophysicists found that all of Theia 456's 468 stars were born at the same time and are traveling in the same direction across the sky.恒星流是稀有的线性模式,而不是星团。结合盖亚太空望远镜捕获的多个数据集之后,一组天体物理学家发现,Theia 456的468颗恒星全部同时诞生,并沿相同的方向在天空中飞行。"Most stellar clusters are formed together," said Jeff Andrews, a Northwestern University astrophysicist and member of the team. "What's exciting about Theia 456 is that it's not a small clump of stars together. It's long and stretched out. There are relatively few streams that are nearby, young and so widely dispersed."西北大学天体物理学家,研究团队成员杰夫·安德鲁斯(Jeff Andrews)说:“大多数恒星团是一起形成的。” “ Theia 456令人兴奋的是,它不是一团小小的恒星。它又长又延伸。附近的溪流相对较少,年轻且分布广泛。”Andrews presented this research during a virtual press briefing at the 237th meeting of the American Astronomical Society. "Theia 456: A New Stellar Association in the Galactic Disk" took place today (Jan. 15) as a part of a session on "The Modern Milky Way."安德鲁斯在美国天文学会第237次会议上的虚拟新闻发布会上介绍了这项研究。作为“现代银河”会议的一部分,今天(1月15日)举行了“ Theia 456:银河盘中的新恒星协会”。Andrews is a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern's Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA). He conducted this work with astrophysicists Marcel Agüeros and Jason Curtis of Columbia University, Julio Chanamé of Pontifica Universidad Catolica, Simon Schuler of University of Tampa and Kevin Covey and Marina Kounkel of Western Washington University.安德鲁斯(Andrews)是西北天体物理学跨学科探索与研究中心(CIERA)的博士后。他与哥伦比亚大学的天体物理学家MarcelAgüeros和Jason Curtis,庞蒂菲卡大学的JulioChanamé,坦帕大学的Simon Schuler和西华盛顿大学的Kevin Covey和Marina Kounkel。While researchers have long known that stars form in groups, most known clusters are spherical in shape. Only recently have astrophysicists started to find new patterns in the sky. They believe long strings of stars were once tight clusters, gradually ripped apart and stretched by tidal forces.尽管研究人员早就知道恒星是成群形成的,但大多数已知的星团都是球形的。直到最近天体物理学家才开始在天空中寻找新的模式。他们认为,长长的星星串曾经是紧密的星团,逐渐被潮汐撕裂并伸展。"As we've started to become more advanced in our instrumentation, our technology and our ability to mine data, we've found that stars exist in more structures than clumps," Andrews said. "They often form these streams across the sky. Although we've known about these for decades, we're starting to find hidden ones."安德鲁斯说:“随着我们在仪器,技术和数据挖掘能力上的日趋先进,我们发现恒星存在的结构多于块状。” “它们经常在天空中形成这些溪流。尽管我们已经知道了数十年,但我们开始发现隐藏的溪流。”Stretching more than 500 light-years, Theia 456 is one of those hidden streams. Because it dwells within the Milky Way's galactic plane, it's easily lost within the galaxy's backdrop of 400 billion stars. Most stellar streams are found elsewhere in the universe—by telescopes pointed away from the Milky Way.长达500多年的光年,Theia 456是其中隐藏的溪流之一。由于它驻留在银河系的银河系平面内,因此很容易在银河系拥有4000亿颗恒星的背景下消失。大多数恒星流是在远离银河系的望远镜中发现的,在宇宙的其他地方。"We tend to focus our telescopes in other directions because it's easier to find things," Andrews said. "Now we're starting to find these streams in the galaxy itself. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. Or, in this case, finding a ripple in an ocean."安德鲁斯说:“我们倾向于将望远镜聚焦在其他方向,因为它更容易找到东西。” “现在我们开始在银河系本身中发现这些水流。这就像在大海捞针中找到一根针。或者,在这种情况下,就是在海洋中找到涟漪。”Identifying and examining these structures is a data science challenge. Artificial intelligence algorithms combed huge datasets of stellar data in order to find these structures. Then Andrews developed algorithms to cross-reference those data with pre-existing catalogs of documented stars' iron abundances.识别和检查这些结构是数据科学的挑战。人工智能算法梳理了巨大的恒星数据集,以找到这些结构。然后,安德鲁斯(Andrews)开发了将这些数据与已记录的恒星铁丰度目录进行交叉引用的算法。Andrews and his team found that the 468 stars within Theia 456 had similar iron abundances, which means that—100 million years ago—the stars likely formed together. Adding further evidence to this finding, the researchers examined a light curves dataset, which captures how stars' brightness changes over time.安德鲁斯和他的团队发现,Theia 456内的468颗恒星具有相似的铁丰度,这意味着-一亿年前-这些恒星很可能一起形成。为这一发现增加了进一步的证据,研究人员检查了一个光曲线数据集,该数据集捕获了星星亮度随时间的变化。"This can be used to measure how fast the stars are spinning," Agüeros said. "Stars with the same age should show a distinct pattern in their spin rates."阿格罗斯说:“这可以用来衡量恒星旋转的速度。” “同龄的恒星应该显示出不同的自旋速率。”With the help of data from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite and from the Zwicky Transient Facility—both of which produced light curves for stars in Theia 456 —Andrews and his colleagues were able to determine that the stars in the stream do share a common age. 借助美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的过渡系外行星测量卫星和兹维基瞬变设施的数据,两者均产生了Theia 456中恒星的光曲线)安德鲁斯和他的同事们能够确定恒星流中的恒星确实有一个共同的年龄。The team also found that the stars are moving together in the same direction.研究小组还发现,恒星朝着同一方向移动。"If you know how the stars are moving, then you can backtrack to find where the stars came from," Andrews said. "As we rolled the clock backwards, the stars became closer and closer together. So, we think all these stars were born together and have a common origin."安德鲁斯说:“如果你知道恒星是如何运动的,那么就可以回溯找到恒星的来源。” “当我们倒转时钟时,星星变得越来越近。因此,我们认为所有这些恒星都是一起诞生的,并且有共同的起源。”Andrews said combining datasets and data mining is essential to understanding the universe around us.安德鲁斯说,将数据集和数据挖掘结合起来对于理解我们周围的宇宙至关重要。"You can only get so far with one dataset," he said. "When you combine datasets, you get a much richer sense of what's out there in the sky."他说:“到目前为止,只有一个数据集才能达到目标。” “当组合数据集时,您将对天空中的内容有更丰富的了解。” 点击:查看更多天文学文章 查看更多双语译文文章 使用双语译文文档翻译功能免责声明:福昕翻译只充当翻译功能,此文内容及相关信息仅为传递更多信息之目的,仅代表作者个人观点,与本网站无关,版权归原始网站所有。仅供读者参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若需要浏览原文、下载参考文献等,请自行搜索文中提到的原文网站进行阅读。 来源于:phys
2021-01-18 19:23:32
Could we harness energy from black holes?我们可以利用黑洞中的能量吗?by Carla Cantor, Columbia University哥伦比亚大学卡拉·坎特 Plasma close to the event horizon about to be devoured by a rotating black hole. Credit: Classical And Quantum Gravity, 2015. Reproduced By Permission of IOP Publishing接近事件视界的等离子体将被旋转的黑洞吞噬。图片来源:Classic and Quantum Gravity,2015年。A remarkable prediction of Einstein's theory of general relativity—the theory that connects space, time, and gravity—is that rotating black holes have enormous amounts of energy available to be tapped.爱因斯坦的广义相对论(将空间,时间和引力联系起来的理论)的一个杰出预言是,旋转的黑洞有大量可利用的能量。For the last 50 years, scientists have tried to come up with methods to unleash this power. Nobel physicist Roger Penrose theorized that a particle disintegration could draw energy from a black hole; Stephen Hawking proposed that black holes could release energy through quantum mechanical emission; while Roger Blandford and Roman Znajek suggested electromagnetic torque as a main agent of energy extraction.在过去的50年中,科学家们试图想出释放这种力量的方法。诺贝尔物理学家罗杰·彭罗斯(Roger Penrose)提出了一种理论,即粒子崩解可能会从黑洞中吸收能量。史蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)提出黑洞可以通过量子机械发射来释放能量。而罗杰·布兰福德(Roger Blandford)和罗曼·扎纳克(Roman Znajek)则建议将电磁转矩作为能量提取的主要手段。Now, in a study published in the journal Physical Review D, physicists Luca Comisso from Columbia University and Felipe Asenjo from Universidad Adolfo Ibanez in Chile, found a new way to extract energy from black holes by breaking and rejoining magnetic field lines near the event horizon, the point from which nothing, not even light, can escape the black hole's gravitational pull.现在,在《物理评论D》(Physical Review D)杂志上发表的一项研究中,哥伦比亚大学的物理学家Luca Comisso和智利阿道夫·伊巴内斯大学的Felipe Asenjo找到了一种新的方法,可以通过打破并重新结合事件视界附近的磁场线来从黑洞中提取能量。 ,一点,甚至没有光都无法逃离黑洞的引力。"Black holes are commonly surrounded by a hot 'soup' of plasma particles that carry a magnetic field," said Luca Comisso, research scientist at Columbia University and first author on the study.哥伦比亚大学研究科学家,该研究的第一作者卢卡·科米索(Luca Comisso)表示:“黑洞通常被带有磁场的等离子颗粒的热'汤'包围着。”"Our theory shows that when magnetic field lines disconnect and reconnect, in just the right way, they can accelerate plasma particles to negative energies and large amounts of black hole energy can be extracted."“我们的理论表明,当磁场线以正确的方式断开和重新连接时,它们可以将等离子体粒子加速为负能量,并且可以提取出大量的黑洞能量。”This finding could allow astronomers to better estimate the spin of black holes, drive black hole energy emissions, and might even provide a source of energy for the needs of an advanced civilization, Comisso said.Comisso说,这一发现可以使天文学家更好地估计黑洞的自旋,驱动黑洞的能量排放,甚至可以为先进文明的需求提供能量来源。Comisso and Asenjo built their theory on the premise that reconnecting magnetic fields accelerates plasma particles in two different directions. One plasma flow is pushed against the black hole's spin, while the other is propelled in the spin's direction and can escape the clutches of the black hole, which releases power if the plasma swallowed by the black hole has negative energy.Comisso和Asenjo建立理论的前提是重新连接磁场会在两个不同的方向上加速等离子体粒子。一种等离子流被推向黑洞的自旋,而另一种则沿自旋的方向推进,可以逃离黑洞的离合器,如果黑洞吞下的等离子具有负能量,则释放动力。"It is like a person could lose weight by eating candy with negative calories," said Comisso, who explained that essentially a black hole loses energy by eating negative- energy particles. "This might sound weird," he said, "but it can happen in a region called the ergosphere, where the spacetime continuum rotates so fast that every object spins in the same direction as the black hole."Comisso说:“就像一个人通过吃负热量的糖果可以减轻体重一样。”他解释说,黑洞本质上是通过吃负能量粒子而失去能量的。他说:“这听起来可能很奇怪,但是它可能发生在一个称为“遍及地球”的区域,在该区域中,时空连续体旋转得如此之快,以至于每个物体都以与黑洞相同的方向旋转。”Inside the ergosphere, magnetic reconnection is so extreme that the plasma particles are accelerated to velocities approaching the speed of light.在人体工圈内部,磁性重新连接非常极端,以致等离子体粒子被加速到接近光速的速度。Asenjo, professor of physics at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez and coauthor on the study, explained that the high relative velocity between captured and escaping plasma streams is what allows the proposed process to extract massive amounts of energy from the black hole.阿道夫·伊巴涅斯大学的物理学教授,该研究的合著者阿森霍解释说,被捕获和逃逸的等离子体流之间的高相对速度是使拟议的过程能够从黑洞中提取大量能量的原因。"We calculated that the process of plasma energization can reach an efficiency of 150 percent, much higher than any power plant operating on Earth," Asenjo said. "Achieving an efficiency greater than 100 percent is possible because black holes leak energy, which is given away for free to the plasma escaping from the black hole."“我们计算出,等离子体通电过程的效率可以达到150%,远高于地球上运行的任何发电厂,” Asenjo说。 “由于黑洞会泄漏能量,因此有可能获得大于100%的效率,而能量会免费释放给从黑洞逸出的等离子体。”The process of energy extraction envisioned by Comisso and Asenjo might be already operating in a large number of black holes. That may be what is driving black hole flares—powerful bursts of radiation that can be detected from Earth.Comisso和Asenjo设想的能量提取过程可能已经在大量黑洞中运行。这可能是造成黑洞耀斑的原因-可以从地球探测到的强大的辐射爆发。"Our increased knowledge of how magnetic reconnection occurs in the vicinity of the black hole might be crucial for guiding our interpretation of current and future“我们对黑洞附近如何发生磁重新连接的了解增加,对于指导我们对当前和未来的解释至关重要。telescope observations of black holes, such as the ones by the Event Horizon Telescope," Asenjo said.望远镜观测黑洞,例如事件地平线望远镜的黑洞。”While it may sound like the stuff of science fiction, mining energy from black holes could be the answer to our future power needs.虽然这听起来像是科幻小说,但从黑洞中开采能量可能会满足我们未来的电力需求。"Thousands or millions of years from now, humanity might be able to survive around a black hole without harnessing energy from stars," Comisso said. "It is essentially a technological problem. If we look at the physics, there is nothing that prevents it."科米索说:“从现在起的数千年或数百万年中,人类可能能够在不利用恒星能量的情况下在黑洞附近生存。” “这本质上是一个技术问题。如果我们看物理学,没有什么可以阻止它的。”The study, Magnetic reconnection as a mechanism for energy extraction from rotating black holes, was funded by the National Science Foundation's Windows on the Universe initiative, NASA, and Chile's National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development.这项名为“磁重连接作为从旋转黑洞中提取能量的机制的研究”,是由美国国家科学基金会的“宇宙之窗”计划,美国国家航空航天局和智利国家科学和技术发展基金会资助的。Vyacheslav (Slava) Lukin, a program director at NSF, said the Foundation aims to catalyzes new theoretical efforts based on frontier observations at facilities such as the EHT, bringing together theoretical physics and observational astronomy under one roof.NSF的项目主管Vyacheslav(Slava)Lukin表示,基金会的目标是基于EHT等设施的前沿观测,促进新的理论工作,将理论物理学和观测天文学融合在一起。"We look forward to the potential translation of seemingly esoteric studies of black hole astrophysics into the practical realm," Lukin said.卢金说:“我们期待着将黑洞天体物理学似乎深奥的研究潜在地转化为实际领域。”"The ideas and concepts discussed in this work are truly fascinating," said Vyacheslav (Slava) Lukin, a program director at the National Science Foundation. He said NSF aims to catalyze new theoretical efforts based on frontier observations, bringing together theoretical physics and observational astronomy under one roof.国家科学基金会项目负责人维亚切斯拉夫(Slava)卢金说:“这项工作中讨论的想法和概念确实令人着迷。”他说,国家科学基金会的目的是基于前沿观测,促进新的理论工作,将理论物理学和观测天文学融合在一起。"We look forward to the potential translation of seemingly esoteric studies of black hole astrophysics into the practical realm," he added.他补充说:“我们期待将似乎深奥的黑洞天体物理学研究转化为实际领域。”点击:查看更多双语译文文章 查看更多物理学文章 使用双语译文翻译功能 免责声明:福昕翻译只充当翻译功能,此文内容及相关信息仅为传递更多信息之目的,仅代表作者个人观点,与本网站无关,版权归原始网站所有。仅供读者参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若需要浏览原文、下载参考文献等,请自行搜索文中提到的原文网站进行阅读。来源于:phys
2021-01-17 18:05:44
New state of matter in one-dimensional quantum gas一维量子气体中物质的新状态by Stanford University斯坦福大学Credit: CC0 Public Domain信用:CC0公共领域As the story goes, the Greek mathematician and tinkerer Archimedes came across an invention while traveling through ancient Egypt that would later bear his name. It was a machine consisting of a screw housed inside a hollow tube that trapped and drew water upon rotation. Now, researchers led by Stanford University physicist Benjamin Lev have developed a quantum version of Archimedes' screw that, instead of water, hauls fragile collections of gas atoms to higher and higher energy states without collapsing. Their discovery is detailed in a paper published Jan. 14in Science.随着故事的发展,希腊数学家和修补匠阿基米德在穿越古埃及时遇到了一项发明,后来以他的名字命名。这是一台机器,由一个装在空心管内的螺钉组成,该空心管在旋转时捕获并吸水。现在,由斯坦福大学物理学家本杰明·列夫(Benjamin Lev)领导的研究人员开发出了阿基米德螺杆的量子版本,该螺杆代替水将脆弱的气体原子集牵引到越来越高的能态而不会塌陷。 1月14日在《科学》杂志上发表的一篇论文中详细介绍了他们的发现。"My expectation for our system was that the stability of the gas would only shift a little," said Lev, who is an associate professor of applied physics and of physics in the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford. "I did not expect that I would see a dramatic, complete stabilization of it. That was beyond my wildest conception."斯坦福大学人文与科学学院应用物理学和物理学副教授列夫说:“我对我们的系统的期望是气体的稳定性只会发生一点变化。” “我没想到我会看到它的戏剧性,完全稳定。这超出了我最疯狂的构想。”Along the way, the researchers also observed the development of scar states— extremely rare trajectories of particles in an otherwise chaotic quantum system in which the particles repeatedly retrace their steps like tracks overlapping in the woods. Scar states are of particular interest because they may offer a protected refuge for information encoded in a quantum system. The existence of scar states within a quantum system with many interacting particles—known as a quantum many-body system—has only recently been confirmed. The Stanford experiment is the first example of the scar state in a many-body quantum gas and only the second ever real-world sighting of the phenomenon.在研究过程中,研究人员还观察到了疤痕状态的发展,这种情况是粒子在极其混乱的量子系统中极为罕见的轨迹,在这种量子系统中,粒子反复地回溯其步伐,就像在树林中重叠的轨迹一样。疤痕状态特别令人感兴趣,因为它们可以为量子系统中编码的信息提供受保护的避难所。直到最近才确认具有多个相互作用粒子的量子系统中存在的疤痕状态(称为量子多体系统)。斯坦福大学的实验是多体量子气体中疤痕状态的第一个例子,而在现实世界中仅第二次看到该现象。Super and stable超级稳定Lev specializes in experiments that extend our understanding of how different parts of a quantum many-body system settle into the same temperature or thermal equilibrium. This is an exciting area of investigation because resisting this so-called "thermalization" is key to creating stable quantum systems that could power new technologies, such as quantum computers.Lev专门从事实验,这些实验扩展了我们对量子多体系统的不同部分如何沉降到相同温度或热平衡的理解。这是一个令人兴奋的研究领域,因为抵制这种所谓的“热化”是创建稳定的量子系统的关键,该系统可以为新技术提供动力,例如量子计算机。In this experiment, the team explored what would happen if they tweaked a very unusual many-body experimental system, called a super Tonks-Girardeau gas. These are highly excited one-dimensional quantum gases—atoms in a gaseous state that are confined to a single line of movement—that have been tuned in such a way that their atoms develop extremely strong attractive forces to one another. What's super about them is that, even under extreme forces, they theoretically should not collapse into a ball-like mass (like normal attractive gases will). However, in practice, they do collapse because of experimental imperfections. Lev, who has a penchant for the strongly magnetic element dysprosium, wondered what would happen if he and his students created a super Tonks-Girardeau gas with dysprosium atoms and altered their magnetic orientations 'just so.' Perhaps they would resist collapse just a little bit better than nonmagnetic gases?在这个实验中,研究小组探索了如果调整一个非常不寻常的多体实验系统(称为超级唐克斯-吉拉多气体)会发生什么。这些是高度激发的一维量子气体(一种处于气态的原子,仅局限在一条运动线上),其调谐方式使它们的原子彼此产生极强的吸引力。它们的优点在于,即使在极端力的作用下,它们在理论上也不应坍塌成球形(就像正常的吸引气体一样)。但是,实际上,由于实验的不完善,它们的确会崩溃。对强磁性元素有兴趣的列夫(Lev)想知道,如果他和他的学生用with原子创建超级的唐克斯-吉拉多(Tonks-Girardeau)气体,并且“如此改变”它们的磁取向,将会发生什么。也许它们会比非磁性气体更好地抵抗崩溃?"The magnetic interactions we were able to add were very weak compared to the attractive interactions already present in the gas. So, our expectations were that not much would change. We thought it would still collapse, just not quite so readily." said Lev, who is also a member of Stanford Ginzton Lab and Q-FARM. "Wow, were we wrong."“与气体中已经存在的有吸引力的相互作用相比,我们能够添加的磁性相互作用非常弱。因此,我们的期望是不会有太大变化。我们认为它仍然会崩溃,只是不太容易。”列夫说,他也是斯坦福·金兹顿实验室和Q-FARM的成员。 “哇,我们错了吗?”Their dysprosium variation ended up producing a super Tonks-Girardeau gas that remained stable no matter what. The researchers flipped the atomic gas between the attractive and repulsive conditions, elevating or "screwing" the system to higher and higher energy states, but the atoms still didn't collapse.他们的变化最终产生了无论如何都保持稳定的超级Tonks-Girardeau气体。研究人员在吸引和排斥条件之间翻转了原子气体,将系统提升或“旋动”到越来越高的能量状态,但是原子仍然没有崩溃。Building from the foundation从基础建设While there are no immediate practical applications of their discovery, the Lev lab and their colleagues are developing the science necessary to power that quantum technology revolution that many predict is coming. For now, said Lev, the physics of quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium remain consistently surprising.尽管他们的发现没有立即的实际应用,但Lev实验室及其同事正在开发必要的科学,以推动许多人预言的量子技术革命。列夫说,目前,不平衡的量子多体系统的物理学始终令人惊讶。"There's no textbook yet on the shelf that you can pull off to tell you how to build your own quantum factory," he said. "If you compare quantum science to where we他说:“书架上还没有教科书可供您介绍如何建立自己的量子工厂。” “如果将量子科学与我们的研究进行比较were when we discovered what we needed to know to build chemical plants, say, it's like we're doing the late 19th-century work right now."是当我们发现建造化工厂所需的知识时,例如,这就像我们现在正在做19世纪晚期的工作一样。”These researchers are only beginning to examine the many questions they have about their quantum Archimedes' screw, including how to mathematically describe these scar states and if the system does thermalize—which it must eventually—how it goes about doing that. More immediately, they plan to measure the momentum of the atoms in the scar states to begin to develop a solid theory about why their system behaves the way it does.这些研究人员才刚刚开始研究关于量子阿基米德螺杆的许多问题,包括如何以数学方式描述这些疤痕状态以及系统是否确实热化(最终必须这样做)如何进行。更直接地,他们计划测量疤痕状态下原子的动量,以开始发展关于其系统为何如此行为的可靠理论。The results of this experiment were so unanticipated that Lev says he can't strongly predict what new knowledge will come from deeper inspection of the quantum Archimedes' screw. But that, he points out, is perhaps experimentalism at its best.这个实验的结果是出乎意料的,以至于列夫说,他无法强有力地预测,对量子阿基米德螺杆的更深入检查将带来什么新知识。但他指出,这也许是最好的实验主义。"This is one of the few times in my life where I've actually worked on an experiment that was truly experimental and not a demonstration of existing theory. I didn't know what the answer would be beforehand," said Lev. "Then we found something that was truly new and unexpected and that makes me say, 'Yay experimentalists!'"列夫说:“这是我一生中几次真正从事实验的实验之一,而不是对现有理论的真实证明。我不知道答案是什么。” “然后,我们发现了一些真正新的和出乎意料的东西,这让我说,是的实验主义者!'” 点击:查看更多双语译文文章 使用双语译文翻译功能 免责声明:福昕翻译只充当翻译功能,此文内容及相关信息仅为传递更多信息之目的,仅代表作者个人观点,与本网站无关,版权归原始网站所有。仅供读者参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若需要浏览原文、下载参考文献等,请自行搜索文中提到的原文网站进行阅读。 来源于:phys
2021-01-16 18:05:38
Discovery of quantum behavior in insulators suggests possible new particle在绝缘子中发现量子行为表明可能存在新粒子by Tom Garlinghouse, Princeton University普林斯顿大学汤姆·加林豪斯(Tom Garlinghouse) A team led by Princeton physicists discovered a surprising quantum phenomenon in an atomically thin insulator made of tungsten ditelluride. The results suggest the formation of completely new types of quantum phases previously hidden in insulators. Credit: Kai Fu for the Wu Lab, Princeton University由普林斯顿物理学家领导的一个小组在由二碲化钨制成的
2021-01-12 20:41:51
'Galaxy-sized' observatory sees potential hints of gravitational waves“银河大小”的天文台看到了引力波的潜在提示by University of Colorado at Boulder科罗拉多大学博尔德分校This illustration shows the NANOGrav project observing cosmic objects called pulsars in an effort detect gravitational waves - ripples in the fabric of space. The project is seeking a low-level gravitational wave background signal that is thought to be present throughout the universe.Credit: NANOGrav/T. Klein此图显示了NANOGrav项目,该项目观察被称为脉冲星的宇宙物体,以力图检测引力波-空间结构中的波纹。该项目正在寻找被认为存在于整个宇宙中的低水平引力波背景信号。图片来源:NANOGrav / T。克莱因Scientists have used a "galaxy-sized" space observatory to find possible hints of a unique signal from gravitational waves, or the powerful ripples that course through the universe and warp the fabric of space and time itself.科学家们使用了一个“银河大小”的太空天文台,来寻找引力波中独特信号的可能提示,或者是贯穿宇宙的强大涟漪,扭曲了时空结构。The new findings, which appeared recently in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, hail from a U.S. and Canadian project called the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav).这一新发现最近发表在《天体物理学杂志快报》上,该发现来自美国和加拿大一个名为“北美纳赫兹引力波纳米天文台”(NANOGrav)的项目。For over 13 years, NANOGrav researchers have pored over the light streaming from dozens of pulsars spread throughout the Milky Way Galaxy to try to detect a "gravitational wave background." That's what scientists call the steady flux of gravitational radiation that, according to theory, washes over Earth on a constant basis. The team hasn't yet pinpointed that target, but it's getting closer than ever before, said Joseph Simon, an astrophysicist at the University of Colorado Boulder and lead author of the new paper.十三年来,NANOGrav研究人员仔细研究了遍布整个银河系的数十个脉冲星发出的光,以试图检测“引力波背景”。这就是科学家所说的稳定的重力辐射通量,根据理论,它不断地在地球上冲洗。科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的天体物理学家,新论文的主要作者约瑟夫·西蒙说,研究小组尚未确定这个目标,但是比以往任何时候都更加紧密。"We've found a strong signal in our dataset," said Simon, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences. "But we can't say yet that this is the gravitational wave background."天体物理与行星科学系的博士后研究员西蒙说:“我们在数据集中发现了一个强烈的信号。” “但是我们还不能说这就是引力波的背景。”In 2017, scientists on an experiment called the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the first-ever direct detection2017年,科学家在一项名为``激光干涉仪引力波天文台(LIGO)''的实验中首次获得了诺贝尔物理学奖of gravitational waves. Those waves were created when two black holes slammed into each other roughly 130 million lightyears from Earth, generating a cosmic shock that spread to our own solar system.引力波。这些波是在两个黑洞从地球大约1.3亿光年相互撞击时产生的,并产生了宇宙冲击,并传播到了我们自己的太阳系。That event was the equivalent of a cymbal crash—a violent and short-lived blast. The gravitational waves that Simon and his colleagues are looking for, in contrast, are more like the steady hum of conversation at a crowded cocktail party.那件事相当于a坠毁-剧烈而短暂的爆炸。相比之下,西蒙和他的同事正在寻找的引力波更像是在一个拥挤的鸡尾酒会上持续的嗡嗡声。Detecting that background noise would be a major scientific achievement, opening a new window to the workings of the universe, he added. These waves, for example, could give scientists new tools for studying how the supermassive black holes at the centers of many galaxies merge over time.他补充说,检测到背景噪声将是一项重大的科学成就,从而为宇宙的运转打开了一个新窗口。例如,这些波可以为科学家提供新的工具,以研究许多星系中心的超大质量黑洞如何随时间融合。"These enticing first hints of a gravitational wave background suggest that supermassive black holes likely do merge and that we are bobbing in a sea of gravitational waves rippling from supermassive black hole mergers in galaxies across the universe," said Julie Comerford, an associate professor of astrophysical and planetary science at CU Boulder and NANOGrav team member.“引力波背景的这些诱人的第一暗示表明,超大质量黑洞可能会合并,并且我们正处于由整个银河系中的超大质量黑洞合并引起的引力波海中摇曳,”朱莉·科默福德说, CU Boulder和NANOGrav团队成员的天体物理学和行星科学。Simon will present his team's results at a virtual press conference on Monday at the 237th meeting of the American Astronomical Society.西蒙(Simon)将于周一在美国天文学会(American Astronomicalnomic Society)的第237次会议上举行的虚拟新闻发布会上介绍其团队的研究结果。Galactic lighthouses银河灯塔Through their work on NANOGrav, Simon and Comerford are part of a high stakes, albeit collaborative, international race to find the gravitational wave background. Their project joins two others out of Europe and Australia to make up a network called the International Pulsar Timing Array.通过他们在NANOGrav上的工作,Simon和Comerford成为了一场颇有争议的赛事,尽管这是一场国际合作,旨在寻找引力波背景。他们的项目与来自欧洲和澳大利亚的其他两个国家一起组成了一个名为“国际脉冲星计时阵列”的网络。Simon said that, at least according to theory, merging galaxies and other cosmological events produce a steady churn of gravitational waves. They're humungous—a single wave, Simon said, can take years or even longer to pass Earth by. For that reason, no other existing experiments can detect them directly.西蒙说,至少根据理论,合并的星系和其他宇宙事件会产生稳定的引力波。它们实在太小了,西蒙说,单浪过地球可能需要几年甚至更长的时间。因此,其他现有实验无法直接检测到它们。"Other observatories search for gravitational waves that are on the order of seconds," Simon said. "We're looking for waves that are on the order of years or decades."西蒙说:“其他天文台都在搜索几秒钟的引力波。” “我们正在寻找数年或数十年量级的波浪。”He and his colleagues had to get creative. The NANOGrav team uses telescopes on the ground not to look for gravitational waves but to observe pulsars. These collapsed stars are the他和他的同事们必须有创造力。 NANOGrav小组在地面上使用望远镜不是寻找引力波而是观察脉冲星。这些坍塌的恒星是lighthouses of the galaxy. They spin at incredibly fast speeds, sending streams of radiation hurtling toward Earth in a blinking pattern that remains mostly unchanged over the eons.银河的灯塔。它们以令人难以置信的快速旋转,以闪烁的模式向地球发送辐射流,这些辐射流在整个世代几乎保持不变。Simon explained that gravitational waves alter the steady pattern of light coming from pulsars, tugging or squeezing the relative distances that these rays travel through space. Scientists, in other words, might be able to spot the gravitational wave background simply by monitoring pulsars for correlated changes in the timing of when they arrive at Earth.西蒙解释说,引力波改变了来自脉冲星的光的稳定模式,拉扯或挤压了这些射线在太空中传播的相对距离。换句话说,科学家可能仅通过监视脉冲星到达地球时机的相关变化,就能发现引力波背景。"These pulsars are spinning about as fast as your kitchen blender," he said. "And we're looking at deviations in their timing of just a few hundred nanoseconds."他说:“这些脉冲星的旋转速度与厨房搅拌机一样快。” “而且我们正在研究它们的时间偏差只有几百纳秒。”Something there那里的东西To find that subtle signal, the NANOGrav team strives to observe as many pulsars as possible for as long as possible. To date, the group has observed 45 pulsars for at least three years and, in some cases, for well over a decade.为了发现这种微妙的信号,NANOGrav小组努力在尽可能长的时间内观察尽可能多的脉冲星。迄今为止,该小组至少在三年中观测到了45个脉冲星,在某些情况下,已经观测了十多年。The hard work seems to be paying off. In their latest study, Simon and his colleagues report that they've detected a distinct signal in their data: Some common process seems to be affecting the light coming from many of the pulsars.艰苦的工作似乎正在得到回报。西蒙和他的同事们在最新研究中报告说,他们在数据中检测到了一个明显的信号:一些共同的过程似乎正在影响许多脉冲星发出的光。"We walked through each of the pulsars one by one. I think we were all expecting to find a few that were the screwy ones throwing off our data," Simon said. "But then we got through them all, and we said, 'Oh my God, there's actually something here.'"西蒙说:“我们逐一遍历了每个脉冲星。我认为我们都希望找到一些不可靠的脉冲星。” “但是后来我们经历了所有的一切,我们说,'哦,我的上帝,这里确实有东西。'”The researchers still can't say for sure what's causing that signal. They'll need to add more pulsars to their dataset and observe them for longer periods to determine if it's actually the gravitational wave background at work.研究人员仍然不能确定是什么引起了该信号。他们将需要向其数据集中添加更多的脉冲星,并对其进行更长时间的观察,以确定其是否实际上是引力波背景。"Being able to detect the gravitational wave background will be a huge step but that's really only step one," he said. "Step two is pinpointing what causes those waves and discovering what they can tell us about the universe."他说:“能够检测到引力波背景将是巨大的一步,但这实际上只是第一步。” “第二步是找出导致这些波动的原因,并发现它们可以告诉我们有关宇宙的信息。”点击:查看更多天文学文章 使用双语译文翻译免责声明:福昕翻译只充当翻译功能,此文内容及相关信息仅为传递更多信息之目的,仅代表作者个人观点,与本网站无关,版权归原始网站所有。仅供读者参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若需要浏览原文、下载参考文献等,请自行搜索文中提到的原文网站进行阅读。来源于:phys
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