


Researchers guide a single ion through a Bose-Einstein condensate研究人员引导单个离子通过Bose-Einstein冷凝物by University of Stuttgart斯图加特大学The path of the positively charged ion (yellow) through the BEC (green) can still only be depicted artistically. An ion microscope currently being developed at the Fifth Institute of Physics at the University of Stuttgart will make this path directly visible with a resolution of less than 200 nanometers. Credit: University of Stuttgart/PI5, Celina Brandes 带正电的离子(黄
2021-01-26 19:46:24
New state of matter in one-dimensional quantum gas一维量子气体中物质的新状态by Stanford University斯坦福大学Credit: CC0 Public Domain信用:CC0公共领域As the story goes, the Greek mathematician and tinkerer Archimedes came across an invention while traveling through ancient Egypt that would later bear his name. It was a machine consisting of a screw housed inside a hollow tube that trapped and drew water upon rotation. Now, researchers led by Stanford University physicist Benjamin Lev have developed a quantum version of Archimedes' screw that, instead of water, hauls fragile collections of gas atoms to higher and higher energy states without collapsing. Their discovery is detailed in a paper published Jan. 14in Science.随着故事的发展,希腊数学家和修补匠阿基米德在穿越古埃及时遇到了一项发明,后来以他的名字命名。这是一台机器,由一个装在空心管内的螺钉组成,该空心管在旋转时捕获并吸水。现在,由斯坦福大学物理学家本杰明·列夫(Benjamin Lev)领导的研究人员开发出了阿基米德螺杆的量子版本,该螺杆代替水将脆弱的气体原子集牵引到越来越高的能态而不会塌陷。 1月14日在《科学》杂志上发表的一篇论文中详细介绍了他们的发现。"My expectation for our system was that the stability of the gas would only shift a little," said Lev, who is an associate professor of applied physics and of physics in the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford. "I did not expect that I would see a dramatic, complete stabilization of it. That was beyond my wildest conception."斯坦福大学人文与科学学院应用物理学和物理学副教授列夫说:“我对我们的系统的期望是气体的稳定性只会发生一点变化。” “我没想到我会看到它的戏剧性,完全稳定。这超出了我最疯狂的构想。”Along the way, the researchers also observed the development of scar states— extremely rare trajectories of particles in an otherwise chaotic quantum system in which the particles repeatedly retrace their steps like tracks overlapping in the woods. Scar states are of particular interest because they may offer a protected refuge for information encoded in a quantum system. The existence of scar states within a quantum system with many interacting particles—known as a quantum many-body system—has only recently been confirmed. The Stanford experiment is the first example of the scar state in a many-body quantum gas and only the second ever real-world sighting of the phenomenon.在研究过程中,研究人员还观察到了疤痕状态的发展,这种情况是粒子在极其混乱的量子系统中极为罕见的轨迹,在这种量子系统中,粒子反复地回溯其步伐,就像在树林中重叠的轨迹一样。疤痕状态特别令人感兴趣,因为它们可以为量子系统中编码的信息提供受保护的避难所。直到最近才确认具有多个相互作用粒子的量子系统中存在的疤痕状态(称为量子多体系统)。斯坦福大学的实验是多体量子气体中疤痕状态的第一个例子,而在现实世界中仅第二次看到该现象。Super and stable超级稳定Lev specializes in experiments that extend our understanding of how different parts of a quantum many-body system settle into the same temperature or thermal equilibrium. This is an exciting area of investigation because resisting this so-called "thermalization" is key to creating stable quantum systems that could power new technologies, such as quantum computers.Lev专门从事实验,这些实验扩展了我们对量子多体系统的不同部分如何沉降到相同温度或热平衡的理解。这是一个令人兴奋的研究领域,因为抵制这种所谓的“热化”是创建稳定的量子系统的关键,该系统可以为新技术提供动力,例如量子计算机。In this experiment, the team explored what would happen if they tweaked a very unusual many-body experimental system, called a super Tonks-Girardeau gas. These are highly excited one-dimensional quantum gases—atoms in a gaseous state that are confined to a single line of movement—that have been tuned in such a way that their atoms develop extremely strong attractive forces to one another. What's super about them is that, even under extreme forces, they theoretically should not collapse into a ball-like mass (like normal attractive gases will). However, in practice, they do collapse because of experimental imperfections. Lev, who has a penchant for the strongly magnetic element dysprosium, wondered what would happen if he and his students created a super Tonks-Girardeau gas with dysprosium atoms and altered their magnetic orientations 'just so.' Perhaps they would resist collapse just a little bit better than nonmagnetic gases?在这个实验中,研究小组探索了如果调整一个非常不寻常的多体实验系统(称为超级唐克斯-吉拉多气体)会发生什么。这些是高度激发的一维量子气体(一种处于气态的原子,仅局限在一条运动线上),其调谐方式使它们的原子彼此产生极强的吸引力。它们的优点在于,即使在极端力的作用下,它们在理论上也不应坍塌成球形(就像正常的吸引气体一样)。但是,实际上,由于实验的不完善,它们的确会崩溃。对强磁性元素有兴趣的列夫(Lev)想知道,如果他和他的学生用with原子创建超级的唐克斯-吉拉多(Tonks-Girardeau)气体,并且“如此改变”它们的磁取向,将会发生什么。也许它们会比非磁性气体更好地抵抗崩溃?"The magnetic interactions we were able to add were very weak compared to the attractive interactions already present in the gas. So, our expectations were that not much would change. We thought it would still collapse, just not quite so readily." said Lev, who is also a member of Stanford Ginzton Lab and Q-FARM. "Wow, were we wrong."“与气体中已经存在的有吸引力的相互作用相比,我们能够添加的磁性相互作用非常弱。因此,我们的期望是不会有太大变化。我们认为它仍然会崩溃,只是不太容易。”列夫说,他也是斯坦福·金兹顿实验室和Q-FARM的成员。 “哇,我们错了吗?”Their dysprosium variation ended up producing a super Tonks-Girardeau gas that remained stable no matter what. The researchers flipped the atomic gas between the attractive and repulsive conditions, elevating or "screwing" the system to higher and higher energy states, but the atoms still didn't collapse.他们的变化最终产生了无论如何都保持稳定的超级Tonks-Girardeau气体。研究人员在吸引和排斥条件之间翻转了原子气体,将系统提升或“旋动”到越来越高的能量状态,但是原子仍然没有崩溃。Building from the foundation从基础建设While there are no immediate practical applications of their discovery, the Lev lab and their colleagues are developing the science necessary to power that quantum technology revolution that many predict is coming. For now, said Lev, the physics of quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium remain consistently surprising.尽管他们的发现没有立即的实际应用,但Lev实验室及其同事正在开发必要的科学,以推动许多人预言的量子技术革命。列夫说,目前,不平衡的量子多体系统的物理学始终令人惊讶。"There's no textbook yet on the shelf that you can pull off to tell you how to build your own quantum factory," he said. "If you compare quantum science to where we他说:“书架上还没有教科书可供您介绍如何建立自己的量子工厂。” “如果将量子科学与我们的研究进行比较were when we discovered what we needed to know to build chemical plants, say, it's like we're doing the late 19th-century work right now."是当我们发现建造化工厂所需的知识时,例如,这就像我们现在正在做19世纪晚期的工作一样。”These researchers are only beginning to examine the many questions they have about their quantum Archimedes' screw, including how to mathematically describe these scar states and if the system does thermalize—which it must eventually—how it goes about doing that. More immediately, they plan to measure the momentum of the atoms in the scar states to begin to develop a solid theory about why their system behaves the way it does.这些研究人员才刚刚开始研究关于量子阿基米德螺杆的许多问题,包括如何以数学方式描述这些疤痕状态以及系统是否确实热化(最终必须这样做)如何进行。更直接地,他们计划测量疤痕状态下原子的动量,以开始发展关于其系统为何如此行为的可靠理论。The results of this experiment were so unanticipated that Lev says he can't strongly predict what new knowledge will come from deeper inspection of the quantum Archimedes' screw. But that, he points out, is perhaps experimentalism at its best.这个实验的结果是出乎意料的,以至于列夫说,他无法强有力地预测,对量子阿基米德螺杆的更深入检查将带来什么新知识。但他指出,这也许是最好的实验主义。"This is one of the few times in my life where I've actually worked on an experiment that was truly experimental and not a demonstration of existing theory. I didn't know what the answer would be beforehand," said Lev. "Then we found something that was truly new and unexpected and that makes me say, 'Yay experimentalists!'"列夫说:“这是我一生中几次真正从事实验的实验之一,而不是对现有理论的真实证明。我不知道答案是什么。” “然后,我们发现了一些真正新的和出乎意料的东西,这让我说,是的实验主义者!'” 点击:查看更多双语译文文章 使用双语译文翻译功能 免责声明:福昕翻译只充当翻译功能,此文内容及相关信息仅为传递更多信息之目的,仅代表作者个人观点,与本网站无关,版权归原始网站所有。仅供读者参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若需要浏览原文、下载参考文献等,请自行搜索文中提到的原文网站进行阅读。 来源于:phys
2021-01-16 18:05:38
Discovery of quantum behavior in insulators suggests possible new particle在绝缘子中发现量子行为表明可能存在新粒子by Tom Garlinghouse, Princeton University普林斯顿大学汤姆·加林豪斯(Tom Garlinghouse) A team led by Princeton physicists discovered a surprising quantum phenomenon in an atomically thin insulator made of tungsten ditelluride. The results suggest the formation of completely new types of quantum phases previously hidden in insulators. Credit: Kai Fu for the Wu Lab, Princeton University由普林斯顿物理学家领导的一个小组在由二碲化钨制成的
2021-01-12 20:41:51
来源于:PHYS由 哥伦比亚大学工学院 新型的量子干扰使单分子开关具有较高的开/关比。图片来源:朱莉娅·格林瓦尔德(Julia Greenwald)和苏曼·古纳塞斯卡兰(Suman Gunasekaran)/哥伦比亚工程公司 由哥伦比亚工程教授拉萨·文卡塔拉曼(Latha Venkataraman)领导的研究人员今天报告说,他们发现了利用破坏性量子干涉的新化学设计原理。他们使用他们的方法创建了一个六纳米的单分子开关,其开态电流比关态电流大10,000倍,这是迄今为止单分子电路实现的最大电流变化。这种新的开关依赖于迄今为止尚未探索的一种量子干涉。研究人员使用具有特殊中心单元的长分子来增强不同电子能级之间的破坏性量子干扰。他们证明了他们的方法可用于在室温下生产非常稳定且可重现的单分子开关,该开关在导通状态下可承载超过0.1微安的电流。交换机的长度类似于目前市场上最小的计算机芯片的大小,其性能接近商用交换机。该研究今天发表在《自然纳米技术》上。劳伦斯·古斯曼应用物理学教授,化学教授,教务副教务长文卡塔拉曼说:“我们观察到跨越六纳米分子线的传输,这非常了不起,因为很少观察到跨这么长尺度的传输。” “实际上,这是我们在实验室中测量过的最长的分子。”在过去的45年中,晶体管尺寸的不断减小使计算机处理和器件尺寸的不断缩小带来了显着的进步。当今的智能手机包含数亿个由硅制成的晶体管。但是,当前制造晶体管的方法正迅速接近硅的尺寸和性能极限。因此,如果要提高计算机处理能力,研究人员就需要开发可以与新材料一起使用的开关机制。Venkataraman处于分子电子学的最前沿。她的实验室测量单分子设备的基本性能,试图了解纳米级物理,化学和工程学之间的相互作用。她特别希望对电子传输的基本物理学有更深入的了解,同时为技术进步奠定基础。在纳米尺度上,电子表现为波而不是粒子,并且电子通过隧道传输。像水面上的波一样,电子波可以相长干涉或相消干涉。这导致非线性过程。例如,如果两个波相长干涉,则所得波的幅度(或高度)大于两个独立波的总和。两个波可以完全消除,并具有相消干涉。Venkataraman指出:“电子表现为波的事实是量子力学的本质。”在分子尺度上,量子力学效应主导着电子传输。长期以来,研究人员一直预测,由量子干扰产生的非线性效应应能实现具有大开/关比的单分子开关。如果他们能够利用分子的量子力学特性来制造电路元件,那么它们就可以实现更快,更小,更节能的设备,包括开关。Venkataraman说:“使晶体管由单分子制成代表了微型化的终极极限,并且具有在降低功耗的同时实现指数级更快处理的潜力。” 制造稳定且能够承受重复开关周期的单分子器件是一项艰巨的任务。我们的结果为制造单分子晶体管铺平了道路。”常见的类比是将晶体管视为管道上的阀门。阀门打开时,水流过管道。关闭时,水被堵塞。在晶体管中,水流被电子或电流所代替。在接通状态下,电流流动。在关闭状态下,电流被阻止。理想情况下,导通和截止状态下的电流量必须有很大的不同;否则,晶体管就像是泄漏的管道,很难分辨阀门是打开还是关闭。由于晶体管用作开关,因此设计分子晶体管的第一步是设计一种系统,您可以在此系统中在导通和截止状态之间切换电流。但是,大多数过去的设计都是通过使用短分子来制造泄漏晶体管的,其中导通和截止状态之间的差异并不明显。为了克服这个问题,Venkataraman和她的团队面临许多障碍。他们的主要挑战是使用化学设计原理来创建分子回路,其中量子干扰效应可以强烈抑制处于截止状态的电流,从而减轻泄漏问题。研究的主要作者朱莉娅·格林瓦尔德(Julia Greenwald)解释说:“由于在较短的长度尺度上进行量子机械隧穿的可能性较大,因此很难完全关闭短分子中的电流。” Venkataraman实验室的学生。“对于长分子,情况恰恰相反,在长分子中,由于隧穿概率随长度而衰减,通常难以获得高导通电流。我们设计的电路因其长度和开/关比大而独特;我们现在能够既可以实现高导通电流又可以实现非常低的截止电流。”Venkataraman的团队使用由合作者Peter Skabara,拉姆齐化学教授的化学合成的长分子和他在格拉斯哥大学的团队合成了自己的设备。长分子很容易陷入金属触点之间,从而形成单分子电路。电路非常稳定,可以反复承受高施加电压(超过1.5 V)。分子的电子结构增强了干扰效应,使电流具有明显的非线性,这是施加电压的函数,这导致导通状态电流与截止状态电流的比率非常大。研究人员正在继续与格拉斯哥大学的团队合作,以研究他们的设计方法是否可以应用于其他分子,并开发出一种可以通过外部刺激来触发转换的系统。格林瓦尔德说:“我们建立一个单一分子的开关是朝着使用分子构件自下而上设计材料的第一步。” “用单分子作为电路组件来构建电子设备将是真正的变革。”这项研究的标题是“通过破坏性量子干扰在单分子结上的高度非线性传输”。点击:查看更多物理学文章 试用免费翻译功能免责声明:福昕翻译只充当翻译功能,此文内容及相关信息仅为传递更多信息之目的,仅代表作者个人观点,与本网无关,版权归原始网站所有。仅供读者参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若需要浏览原文、下载参考文献等,请自行搜索文中提到的原文网站进行阅读。
2020-12-08 19:26:12