





物理学 双语译文 天文学
2021-01-25 19:56:48

Record-breaking laser link could provide test of Einstein's theory by International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research





UWA's rooftop observatory. Credit: ICRAR



Scientists from the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) and the University of Western Australia (UWA) have set a world record for the most stable transmission of a laser signal through the atmosphere.


In a study published today in the journal Nature Communications, Australian researchers teamed up with researchers from the French National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) and the French metrology lab Systèmes de Référence Temps-Espace (SYRTE) at Paris Observatory.


The team set the world record for the most stable laser transmission by combining the Aussies' phase stabilization technology with advanced self-guiding optical terminals. Together, these technologies allowed laser signals to be sent from one point to another without interference from the atmosphere.


Lead author Benjamin Dix-Matthews, a Ph.D. student at ICRAR and UWA, said the technique effectively eliminates atmospheric turbulence. "We can correct for atmospheric turbulence in 3-D, that is, left-right, up-down and, critically, along the line of flight," he said. "It's as if the moving atmosphere has been removed and doesn't exist. It allows us to send highly stable laser signals through the atmosphere while retaining the quality of the original signal."

主要作者本杰明·迪克斯·马修斯(Benjamin Dix-Matthews),博士学位。 ICRARUWA的一名学生说,该技术有效地消除了大气湍流。他说:我们可以校正3-D的大气湍流,即左右,上下,关键是沿着飞行路线。” “好像移动的气氛已经被去除并且不存在。它使我们能够通过大气发送高度稳定的激光信号,同时保持原始信号的质量。

The result is the world's most precise method for comparing the flow of time between two separate locations using a laser system transmitted through the atmosphere.



One of the self-guiding optical terminals on its telescope mount on the roof of a building at the CNES campus in Toulouse. Credit: ICRAR/ UWA

望远镜上的一个自导光学终端安装在图卢兹CNES校园的一栋建筑物的屋顶上。信用:ICRAR / UWA

ICRAR-UWA senior researcher Dr. Sascha Schediwy said the research has exciting applications. "If you have one of these optical terminals on the ground and another on a satellite in space, then you can start to explore fundamental physics," he said. "Everything from testing Einstein's theory of general relativity more precisely than ever before, to discovering if fundamental physical constants change over time."

ICRAR-UWA高级研究员Sascha Schediwy博士说,这项研究具有令人兴奋的应用。他说:如果将这些光学终端中的一个放置在地面上,将另一个放置在太空中,则可以开始探索基本物理原理。” “从比以往任何时候都更精确地测试爱因斯坦的广义相对论,到发现基本物理常数是否随时间变化的一切。

The technology's precise measurements also have practical uses in earth science and geophysics. "For instance, this technology could improve satellite-based studies of how the water table changes over time, or to look for ore deposits underground," Dr. Schediwy said.

该技术的精确测量在地球科学和地球物理学中也有实际应用。 Schediwy博士说:例如,这项技术可以改善基于卫星的地下水位随时间变化的研究,或者寻找地下的矿床。

There are further potential benefits for optical communications, an emerging field that uses light to carry information. Optical communications can securely transmit data between satellites and Earth with much higher data rates than current radio communications.


"Our technology could help us increase the data rate from satellites to ground by orders of magnitude," Dr. Schediwy said. "The next generation of big data-gathering satellites would be able to get critical information to the ground faster."

Schediwy博士说:我们的技术可以帮助我们将卫星到地面的数据速率提高几个数量级。” “下一代大数据收集卫星将能够更快地将关键信息传递到地面。

The phase stabilization technology behind the record-breaking link was originally developed to synchronize incoming signals for the Square Kilometer Array telescope. The multi-billion-dollar telescope is set to be built in Western Australia and South Africa from 2021.










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