


Researchers achieve world's first manipulation of antimatter by laser研究人员通过激光实现世界首次操纵反物质by TRIUMFAn artistic illustration of the movement of an antihydrogen atom in the ALPHA magnetic trap, before (grey) and after (blue) laser cooling. The images show various lengths of the antihydrogen's track. Credit: Chukman So/TRIUMF一个反氢原子在阿尔法磁阱中运动的艺术插图,在激光冷却之前(灰色)和之后(蓝色)。图像显示了反氢轨道的不同长度。信贷:Chukman So/TRIUMFResearchers with the CERN-based ALPHA collaboration have announced the world's first laser-based manipulation of antimatter, leveraging a made-in-Canada laser system to cool a sample of antimatter down to near absolute zero. The achievement, detailed in an article published today and featured on the cover of the journal Nature, will significantly alter the landscape of antimatter research and advance the next generation of experiments.欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)ALPHA合作项目的研究人员宣布,利用加拿大制造的激光系统将反物质样品冷却到接近绝对零度,实现了世界上第一次基于激光的反物质操控。今天发表的一篇文章详细介绍了这一成果,并刊登在《自然》杂志的封面上,它将极大地改变反物质研究的格局,推进下一代实验。Antimatter is the otherworldly counterpart to matter; it exhibits near-identical characteristics and behaviors but has opposite charge. Because they annihilate upon contact with matter, antimatter atoms are exceptionally difficult to create and control in our world and had never before been manipulated with a laser.反物质是对符合其他世界的同行;它呈现出近乎相同的特征和行为,但具有相反的充电。因为他们在与物质接触时湮灭,所以反物质原子在我们的世界中创造和控制难以创造和控制,并且从未用激光操纵过。"Today's results are the culmination of a years-long program of research and engineering, conducted at UBC but supported by partners from across the country," said Takamasa Momose, the University of British Columbia (UBC) researcher with ALPHA's Canadian team (ALPHA-Canada) who led the development of the laser. "With this technique, we can address long-standing mysteries like: 'How does antimatter respond to gravity? Can antimatter help us understand symmetries in physics?'. These answers may fundamentally alter our understanding of our Universe."“今天的研究成果是一个长达数年的研究和工程项目的成果,该项目在UBC进行,但得到了来自全国各地的合作伙伴的支持,”领导激光研发的ALPHA加拿大团队(ALPHA Canada)的不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UBC)研究员Takamasa Momose说通过这项技术,我们可以解决长期存在的谜团,比如:“反物质如何对引力作出反应?”?反物质能帮助我们理解物理学中的对称性吗。这些答案可能会从根本上改变我们对宇宙的理解。”Since its introduction 40 years ago, laser manipulation and cooling of ordinary atoms have revolutionized modern atomic physics and enabled several Nobel-winning experiments. The results in Nature mark the first instance of scientists applying these techniques to antimatter.自介绍40年前以来,激光操纵和普通原子的冷却已彻底改变了现代原子物理,并启用了几个诺贝尔获胜的实验。 Nature的结果标志着将这些技术应用于反物质的科学家的第一例。By cooling antimatter, researchers will be able to perform a variety of precision tests to further investigate the characteristics of antimatter, including experiments that may shine a light on the fundamental symmetries of our Universe. These tests could offer clues as to why the Universe is made primarily of matter and not equal parts matter/antimatter as predicted by Big Bang models.通过冷却反物质,研究人员将能够进行各种精确测试,以进一步研究反物质的特征,包括可能在我们宇宙的基本对称上发光的实验。这些测试可以为为什么宇宙主要是有关的,而不是大爆炸模型预测的宇宙而不是相等的部分重要/反物质。"It was a bit of crazy dream to manipulate antimatter with laser," said Makoto Fujiwara, ALPHA-Canada spokesperson, TRIUMF scientist, and the original proponent of the laser cooling idea. "I am thrilled that our dream has finally come true as a result of tremendous teamwork of both Canadian and international scientists."“用激光操纵反物质有点疯狂的梦想,”加拿大阿尔法协会发言人、TRIUMF科学家、激光冷却想法的最初支持者Makoto Fujiwara说我很高兴,由于加拿大和国际科学家的巨大合作,我们的梦想终于实现了。”The laser manipulation of antimatter also opens the door to a variety of leading-edge physics innovations.反物质的激光操纵也打开了各种前沿物理创新的门。Momose and Fujiwara are now leading a new Canadian project, dubbed HAICU, to develop new quantum techniques for antimatter studies. "My next dream is to make a "fountain" of anti-atoms by tossing the laser- cooled antimatter into free space. If realized, it would enable an entirely new class of quantum measurements that were previously unthinkable," said Fujiwara. "Furthermore, we are one step closer to being able to manufacture the world's first antimatter molecules by joining anti-atoms together using our laser manipulation technology," said Momose.Momose和Fujiwara现在推进了一个新的加拿大项目,被称为Haicu,为反物质研究开发新的量子技术。 “我的下一个梦想是通过将激光冷却的反物质扔进自由空间来制作抗原子的”喷泉“。如果实现,它将使其能够实现先前不可想象的全新的量子测量,”Fujiwara说。 “此外,我们是能够通过使用我们的激光操作技术加入抗原子来制造世界第一反物质分子的一步,”Momose说。The results mark a watershed moment for ALPHA's decades-long program of antimatter research, which began with the creation and trapping of antihydrogen for a world-record one thousand seconds in 2011. The collaboration also provided a first glimpse of the antihydrogen spectrum in 2012, set guardrails confining the effect of gravity on antimatter in 2013, and showcased an antimatter counterpart to a key spectroscopic phenomenon in 2020.这一结果标志着阿尔法长达数十年的反物质研究计划的一个分水岭时刻,该计划始于2011年创造并捕获了1000秒的反氢世界纪录。这项合作还为2012年的反氢光谱提供了第一眼界,2013年设置了限制重力对反物质影响的护栏,并在2020年展示了与一个关键光谱现象相对应的反物质。  点击查看:更多有关物理学文章更多生物学分类文章使用文档翻译功能使用图片翻译功能  免责声明:福昕翻译只充当翻译功能,此文内容及相关信息仅为传递更多信息之目的,仅代表作者个人观点,与本网站无关,版权归原始网站所有。仅供读者参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若需要浏览原文、下载参考文献等,请自行搜索文中提到的原文网站进行阅读。  来源于:phys
2021-04-01 19:43:02